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All that Glitters and Sparkles away.

Mummy bought Mod Podge and glitter!

I keep seeing these gorgeous, beautiful, sparkly glittery glasses lately and thought, I want to try that, so I did. Well it wasn't as easy as I thought, I had the idea in my head how I wanted it but silly me, I only went and put the masking tape on wrong so the pattern wasn't how I wanted it, learned from that mistake! oops. It's ok, it was only a practice glass, but I was so desperate for it to look awesome!

It's so messy to do but it was lots of fun (house has never been so sparkly, glitter finds itself EVERYWHERE!) even if I am a doughnut for getting the tape on it wrong. OOPS!

I really want to make a Wonder Woman glass, lots of practice before I even attempt at that! (ha-ha)

This was so easy to do apart from the tape issue, I have lots of new glitters to try out so I shall get my sparkle on, I can not wait! watch this glittery space!

Ta ta for now

Thanks for reading

J x


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