Autumn//Fall facts about me.
For day three of blogtober I thought I would do 10 Autumn//Fall themed facts about me, from my childhood, as an adult and also as a Mummy.
1. I have never carved a pumpkin
My Children do pumpkins every year, they do them with their Daddy. Maybe this year I will have a go at doing one myself, although I'm sure it'll look like it had been run over by an articulated lorry when I've finished with it.
2. I have only been trick or treating once maybe twice as a child.
My parents didn't like the idea of it so my brothers and I never went. I went with my friends for the first time when I was about 11 years old. I used a bin bag for a dress, witches hat and did black lips, wish my Children's costumes were that cheap (ha)
3. A friend (both 11) didn't talk to me for a month because I couldn't go to her Halloween party.
Our friendship was never the same after that, she never forgave me.
Our friendship was never the same after that, she never forgave me.
4. I walked through a grave yard after a drunken night out, it was the early hours of Halloween morning, I struggled to climb over a wall and freaked out, my boyfriend laughed a lot before he even attempted to help me (karma will get him, ha)
I am only 5ft 4" and I have awful coordination, mix that with alcohol and it equals needing to be pushed up onto the wall, My boyfriend pulled me over the wall while in stitches at me freaking out at the ghosts that would get me for disturbing them. I was so freaked by it that I was shaking and sweating.
5. I am obsessed with sugar skulls and I have managed to get both of my daughter's to be sugar skulls for Halloween. #parentingdoneright
Although they didn't need too much convincing, and they looked amazing and I was in my element doing their faces with the face paints.
Although they didn't need too much convincing, and they looked amazing and I was in my element doing their faces with the face paints.
6. Last year I dressed up as a vampire to take my Children trick or treating, I was the only adult dressed up (how boring are they?) and I didn't care, we had fun!
I had so many comments saying how nice it is to see a parent dressed up too, and I had so much fun, so why don't you get dressed up and act like a kid, it's liberating to escape adult life for a couple of hours. Any excuse to act like a child, I'm there.
7. I made my boyfriend wait outside the loo after watching a horror movie called Creep.
Creep does just that, it creeps you out, it really scared me (its not difficult to be honest) it's the one that's set in London underground. He had to keep talking to me so I knew he was there, and I rescued my Children from monsters under the bed the night before, how? (ha) I think its my children who need to rescue Mummy. Me and my overactive imagination.
Creep does just that, it creeps you out, it really scared me (its not difficult to be honest) it's the one that's set in London underground. He had to keep talking to me so I knew he was there, and I rescued my Children from monsters under the bed the night before, how? (ha) I think its my children who need to rescue Mummy. Me and my overactive imagination.
8. I had my daughter Isabella in Autumn 2007, and she was a huge baby weighing 11lb 12.5oz (5.34 kg)
Yes you did read that right, what a big baby eh? I will be doing a full labour/delivery story on this soon, but let's just say it was messy, painful, scary and involves one of my most embarrassing moments in my life. Totally worth it though.
Yes you did read that right, what a big baby eh? I will be doing a full labour/delivery story on this soon, but let's just say it was messy, painful, scary and involves one of my most embarrassing moments in my life. Totally worth it though.
9. I love Autumn, it's my favourite season, since I was little.
Beautiful colours, kicking leaves, playing conkers and walks in the park, Halloween and Bonfire night. Bliss.
10. I love this crisp air and the smell from people having bonfires or from their chimneys.
Although my asthma doesn't like it, that doesn't stop me enjoying it. I love the smell of coal fires and log burners.
Although my asthma doesn't like it, that doesn't stop me enjoying it. I love the smell of coal fires and log burners.
Well there you go, 10 Autumn themed facts about me, I would love to hear some facts about you.
Thank you for reading
Ta ta for now
J x
Thank you for reading
Ta ta for now
J x
Britt |