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Showing posts from October 8, 2017

Blogtober #9

10 favourite songs. Blogtober day nine, I saw a pin on Pinterest for blogtober ideas and this was one of the ideas, so I thought I would do this for today as I am struggling with ideas as this is my first time doing blogtober and unlike the wise bloggers, I have not prepared for my blog posts, I've not written them all up and set  them up to be posted at certain times, no that would be really sensible, that would make things easier and I obviously am not happy with the 31 day blogging challenge, I want to add the extra pressure of writing each post on the day as well as having a college course to do and Children to look after, and all the jobs that come with it (what a fool) but I will not give up, but as today has been such a busy, busy day I am doing one of my favourite songs as it's nice & easy plus it's a fun post to do, I shall also be listening to each song after  (good way to unwind) If you're looking for modern songs, I wouldn't carry on reading ...

Blogtober #8

Where I live. Blogtober day eight, and today's post is about where I live. I live in a town called Banbury in Oxfordshire England, UK. You may have heard of the nursery rhyme  Ride a cock-horse (My Children loved it) 'Ride a cock-horse to Banbury cross, to see a fine lady upon a white horse, with rings on her fingers and bells on her toes, she shall hear music wherever she goes.' The singer Gary Glitter (real name Paul Gadd) famous in the 70's and early 80's is from Banbury,  (although us Banbury folk wish he wasn't) you'd most likely know his song I'm the leader of the Gang, (The paedo gang, eh Paul? Sick man) he used to drink in a pub called the Horse & Jockey which is near the Banbury cross. He was arrested in 1997 for downloading child pornography, and sexual abuse offences and then again in 2006 & 2015 for sexual abuse and rape (what a nice man, eh?) I think he's probably more famous for the offences he has made an...