Hello there, Just a quick post to say that all went well with my Daughter Georgina's first day (wednesday) at secondary school, She has had a good 3 days there this week. She has been rather tired (not surprised) and a little ratty the closer it got to bedtime but she's come home happy and says she's had a reallt great day and enjoying it.. phew. She has made a few new friends and has been leaving early each morning so she can meet up with her friends, then they all walk together (about a mile walk), I was so worried about how she would settle as it's such a big change from primary school. Do you have children starting big school? If so please let me know in the comments how they got on, I would love to read it, or perhaps they have just started a new school or started reception class, were you nervous and anxious for them? I was a mixed bag of emotions but seeing how happy and settled Georgina is makes me feel so happy for her and I can relax knowing all is good. ...